

Our School target is 97%.
Attendance for the academic year September 2023 to August 2024 is 98.2%
Attendance for week beginning 15th July 2024 was 100%
Attendance for week beginning 8th July 2024 was 96.4%
Attendance for week beginning 1st July 2024 was 100%
Attendance for week beginning 24th June 2024 was 100%
Attendance for week beginning 17th June 2024 was 100%
Attendance for week beginning 10th June 2024 was 100%
Attendance for week beginning 3rd June 2024 was 100%
Attendance for week beginning 20th May 2024 was 98.5%
Attendance for week beginning 13th May 2024 was 100%
Attendance for week beginning 6th May 2024 was 100% 
Attendance for the academic year Sept 2022 to Aug 2023 was 92.5%
Attendance for the academic year Sept 2021 to Aug 2022 was 91.4%
The School Attendance Action Plan link is below